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When it comes to GMAT Preparation...
"One size does NOT fit all"

We believe that Gmat Preparation should go beyond learning a few tricks and tips (of course those are included in our course).
The GMAT preparation process should correct fundamental knowledge gaps, build strategic thinking and instill correct test taking behavior.
To achieve this purpose, we combined the four most important elements that contribute to effective GMAT preparation.
Great GMAT Scores
All our trainers have atleast 5 years of GMAT coaching experience.​You know, they know the GMAT well, very well. You know, they know the GMAT well, very well.
Customized Pre Plan
You and your instructor make a customized plan before you start and you can keep updating during 1-1 mentoring sessions. So, you are always on track.
Small Class
In order to benefit from training, you need individual attention from your coaches.
We restrict the class size to 4.​
Unique Test Review Process
Test taking behavior influences the GMAT score a lot.
We developed a unique process to review all GMAT preps.

Online GMAT Tutoring
1-on-1 classes based on student's schedule.
16 classes of 2 hours each.
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6 Test Reviews.
Official GMAT material.
Repeats Included.​
Online GMAT Repeater Prep
A program designed for people who have taken the GMAT already (or) have done several practice exams
Customized plan based on your past exams, GMAT past practice exams and enhanced score reports
Online GMAT Boot Camp
A program designed for people who can take 10 days off
2 classes per day for a 9 Day intensive GMAT Bootcamp
*Includes all features of Group Classes*
Option to attend a group classes if boot camp is too intense for you
USD $2500
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