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About Us

Preptitude test Prep was incorporated by seasoned test prep professionals offering online live classes focusing on students preparing for their MBA. We believe that real MBA entrance exam preparation, whether it is GMAT, GRE or the Executive Assessment, should add significant value to an MBA applicant. These scores are not merely numbers that you fill in your online application, these exams help students build important higher-order reasoning skills that are essential in their MBA and Management programs.


The evolution of technology has had a profound impact on the core skills that are tested on these exams. Think of the multiple ways in which touch screens, auto correct, speech to text, spell check grammar check to text and predictive text have altered the way you think, read, analyze and write.


Conventional test prep companies have failed to respond to these changes and still continue packing in 10 to 15 students in a classroom, offering proprietary material built around tricks and shortcuts, and focusing on teaching for as many exams as possible from the same old material. A lack of customized approach implies that test prep companies follow what we call " SPRAY and PRAY", which means they teach you hundreds of formulas, dozens of grammar rules, and countless shortcuts and they hope that some of them will stick with you when you take your exam. 


We exclusively focus on MBA aspirants and all our programs are built keeping in mind the unique challenges that the today’s MBA aspirant faces. This focus allows us to prepare students with an intuitive understanding of the student mindset, the practical difficulties students face during the process and the importance of the student time, by combining the key elements of test prep with technology. We help students achieve their goals in the quickest possible time.

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